Case Closed

Fall 2022
In this case: The insured treated the patient for a wound beneath the right second metatarsal head. Subsequently, after being diagnosed with malignant melanoma, the patient filed a malpractice suit against the insured.
Summer 2023
In this case: The insured was sued after treating a patient for acute left foot pain.
Fall 2023
In this case: The insured was sued when the patient developed a ruptured Achilles tendon following a left endoscopic gastrocnemius recession and endoscopic plantar fasciotomy with microtenotomy coblation.
Spring 2024
In this case: The insured was sued when his patient suffered an adverse outcome following a surgical repair of the patient's Achilles tendon.
Summer 2024
In this case: The insured improperly performed the surgical removal of a suspected cancerous calf mass resulting in a severed tibial nerve. The mass ended up being benign making this surgery unnecessary and the patient sued.
Fall 2024
In this case: The improper performance of a left 1st metatarsal ostectomy and cheilectomy and improper placement of hemi implant resulted in a shortened 1st metatarsal head and the need for further surgery.
Winter 2024
In this case: The patient had a history of diabetes and hypertension. The insured treated the patient on several occasions and made multiple referrals and recommendations that were ignored by the patient. Unfortunately, the patient suffered an infection which eventually led to his death.